Problematika Pembelajaran Daring Di Sekolah Dasar Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19


  • Al Ihwanah UIN Raden Fatah Palembang



problematika, pembelajaran daring, sekolah dasar, pandemi covid-19


The purpose of this study was to discuss the problems of online learning in elementary schools in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. This pandemic has a serious impact on all fields, including education. Even so, education must still be carried out properly. Learning activities in elementary schools, which are usually carried out face-to-face, are now being converted into online learning. This aims to break the chain of covid-19 transmission, teachers and students must keep their distance for some time. This online learning can be a solution for learning activities in a covid-19 emergency. Based on the results of observations and interviews, data was obtained that there are problems that occur in the implementation of online learning in elementary schools. There are supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the implementation of online learning in elementary schools. This inhibiting factor is a problem in online learning. Online learning experiences problems both from the implementer side, namely teachers, students, parents, and from the media side. The hope is that the results of this research can be useful for practitioners of basic education and for parents to prepare more thoroughly in implementing online learning.


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How to Cite

Ihwanah, A. (2020). Problematika Pembelajaran Daring Di Sekolah Dasar Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19. JIEES : Journal of Islamic Education at Elementary School, 1(2), 44-51.